The Refind Binary File Is Missing Aborting Installation Directory

broken image

Download and install packages from CRAN-like repositories or from local files. Using this option is recommended when upgrading from a working rEFInd installation. The rEFInd public key file will be located in the rEFInd directory's.

The Load/Save Binary File action enables the following:

Loading a binary file into a page source node as Base64-encoded content

Saving the Base64-encoded content of a page source node as a binary file to the client or to a server-side location. Alesis io2 express driver windows 10.

This allows binary files, such as PDFs, to be held as XML content.

Loading a binary file into a page source node

A binary file can be loaded into a page source node by using the Load Binary to Node option of the Load/Save Binary File action (see screenshot below). Use an XPath expression to select the target node, that is, the page source node where the binary data will be stored. In the File Path field, select the binary file that is to be loaded into the target node. The binary file data is converted to Base64 and stored as Base64-encoded content in the target node.

Saving Base64-encoded content as a binary file

Base64-encoded content that is stored in a page source node can be saved as a binary file by using the Save Binary to File option of the Load/Save Binary File action (see screenshot below). Select the page source node where the Base64-encoded content is located (the Source Node field; see screenshot below). Then select the location on the server or client where the file is to be saved (the File Path field).

Binary file locations

When you click the Additional Dialog button of the File Path field of the Load/Save Image action (see screenshots above), the Save Binary to File dialog appears. In this dialog, you specify whether the file is located on the server or the client by selecting the respective radio button (see screenshots below).

File is located on server

If the binary file is located on the server, you can either browse for its location (Absolute/Relative Path) or specify the file via a global resource (File Alias or Folder Alias). Select the option you want.

Absolute/Relative Path: You can enter a path, browse for a file, or enter an XPath expression that generates the path to the file.Use the Reset button to remove the current entry. The path can be relative to the design file, or absolute. If the file is deployed to the server along with the design file, then the relative/absolute path specified in the dialog will be used internally (in the server's database) to access the file. If the file is not deployed, then it must be stored in a directory on the server. In this case: (i) if a relative path is selected in the Load From or Save/Specify File dialog, then, at runtime, this relative path will be resolved on the server with reference to the Working Directory (defined in the MobileTogether Server settings); (ii) if the path in the Load From or Save/Specify File dialog is absolute, the file's containing folder on the server must be a descendant of the Working Directory. See the section Location of Project Files for details. You can also choose whether to allow untrusted SSL connections or not, when accessing or saving the file. If the Absolute/Relative Path field is in a dialog to save a file—and not to load a file—you can optionally specify a default file extension; this extension will be used if none is specified with the file name.

Automatically create subfolders on file save: If intermediate folders in the file path are missing on the server, they will be created when the file is saved. This option is relevant only when saving; it is absent where the action is restricted to file loading.

Global Resource File Alias: Select a file alias from the file aliases available in the combo box. The available file aliases will be those currently defined in the Global Resources Definitions file. Each file alias maps to different file resources according to the currently active configuration in MobileTogether Designer (selected via the command Tools | Active Configuration). See the section Altova Global Resources for details.

Global Resource Folder Alias with path fragment: Select a folder alias from the folder aliases available in the combo box (see screenshot below).

The available folder aliases will be those currently defined in the Global Resources Definitions file. Each folder alias maps to different folder resources according to the currently active configuration in MobileTogether Designer (selected via the command Tools | Active Configuration). The path fragment specifies the rest of the path to the file resource. See the section Altova Global Resources for details.

File is located on client

If the binary file is located on the client, specify the path to it by entering/selecting the location, or by constructing the path with an XPath expression. Use the Reset button to remove the current entry.

The file to load/save can be specified by you, the designer, or it can be specified by the end user. If you specify the file, then this information will be stored in the solution, and the file will be loaded/saved when the action is triggered. If you choose to let the end user select the file to be loaded/saved, then, when the action is triggered, a browse dialog is opened on the client device and the end user can enter/select the file to load/save.

Note:The option to let the end user select the file to load/save is available for the following actions: Print To (Source File and Target File options), Load/Save File, Load/Save Image, Load/Save Binary File, Load/Save Text File, Read Folder, and Get File Info.
Note:Files on the client can also be saved to an SD card on the mobile device.

Filename is defined below (by the designer of the solution)

Default file extension for file saving: When saving files, you can optionally specify a default file extension; this extension will be used if none is specified with the file name.

Automatically create subfolders on file save: If intermediate folders in the file path are missing on the client, they will be created when the file is saved. This option is relevant only when saving; it is absent if the action is a file loading action.

Device dependent directories:Select the device directory from the dropdown list. On Windows Phone/RT and iOS, the allowed directories are pre-determined. On Android devices, in addition to the directories in the dropdown list of the Android combo box, you can enter any folder you like. On Android and Windows Phone/RT, if you select Default, which is the default selection, the MobileTogether app's sandbox directory is selected. On iOS devices, MobileTogether creates two directories: (i) a Backed-up directory for files that are saved to the iCloud, and which can then be re-downloaded; (ii) a Non-backed-up directory for files that do not need to be backed up. Select Backed-up directory or Non-backed-up directory as required. In web browsers, files are located relative to the browser's sandbox.

File locations for simulations: Since files located on the client will not be available during simulations, you can specify a folder that will stand in for the client folder during simulations. Files within this stand-in folder must, of course, have the same names as the files specified in the design. This folder is specified in the Simulation tab of the Options dialog (Tools | Options).

Note: On web clients, files are stored temporarily on the server. They are deleted from there when the server session ends. A server session ends after a specified period of inactivity; this period is defined in the Sessions setting in the Misc pane of the Server Settings tab (see the MobileTogether Server user manual).

Filename is defined by the end user (on the client device)

Default file extension for file saving: When saving files, you can optionally specify a default file extension; this extension will be used if none is specified with the file name.

Optional File Filter: The browse dialog that is opened on the client device will filter the file types to be loaded/saved so that only those file extensions that you have defined are allowed. You can enter: (i) a comma-separated or semicolon-separated list of extensions (for example: txt,html;xml), or (ii) an XPath expression that returns a sequence of string items, where each string item is a file type extension (for example, here is one sequence containing three string items: 'txt','html,'xml').

Optional Default File: You can enter a default filename, either directly or via an XPath expression, to guide the end user.

Web Message Box: Before the File Open/Save dialog is opened, a message box is displayed. You can enter text directly or via an XPath expression to override the default text of the message box.

Automatically create subfolders on file save: If intermediate folders in the file path are missing on the client, they will be created when the file is saved. This option is relevant only when saving; it is absent if the action is a file loading action.

Note: On iOS devices, letting the user select the file on the device works only as an import/export from/to the iCloud; users are not allowed to browse the backed-up folder or non-backed-up folder.

Error processing

The On Error option lets you define what should be done if an error occurs. Since the error handling can be precisely defined for this action, errors on such actions (that provide error handling) are treated as warnings—and not errors. The advantage is that you do not need to check errors on actions for which error handling has already been defined. The following error handling options are available:

Abort Script: After an error occurs, all subsequent actions of the triggered event are terminated. This is the default action if an error occurs. If you wish to continue despite an error, select either the Continue or Throw option.

Continue: Actions are not terminated. Instead, you can select what to do in either event: when there is no error (On Success), or when there is an error (On Error). For example, you might want to display a message box saying whether a page load was successful or not.

Throw: If an error is detected, this option throws an exception that is stored in the Try/Catch action's variable. The Catch part of the Try/Catch action is used to specify what action to take if an error occurs. If no error occurs, then the next action is processed. See the section Try/Catch action for details.

MobileTogether extension functions

MobileTogether provides a range of XPath extension functions that have been specifically created for use in MobileTogether designs. Some functions can be particularly useful with specific actions. For example, mt-available-languages() returns the languages in which the solution is available and could, for example, be used with the Message Box action. If a function is especially relevant to this action, it is listed below. For a full list of extension functions and their descriptions, see the topic MobileTogether Extension Functions.

mt-last-file path()




The Refind Binary File Is Missing Aborting Installation Directory




rEFInd is a UEFIboot manager capable of launching EFISTUB kernels. It is a fork of the no-longer-maintained rEFIt and fixes many issues with respect to non-Mac UEFI booting. It is designed to be platform-neutral and to simplify booting multiple operating systems.

Note: In the entire article esp denotes the mountpoint of the EFI system partition.


Install the refind package.

Installing the rEFInd Boot Manager

rEFInd ships with UEFI drivers that implement read-only support for ReiserFS, Ext2, Ext4, Btrfs, ISO-9660 and HFS+. Additionally rEFInd can access any file system that UEFI itself can, that includes FAT (as mandated by the UEFI specification), HFS+ on Macs and ISO-9660 on some systems.

To find additional drivers see The rEFInd Boot Manager: Using EFI Drivers: Finding Additional EFI Drivers.

To use the rEFInd, you must install it to the EFI system partition either using the refind-install script or by copying the files and setting up the boot entry manually.

Warning: Your kernel and initramfs must reside on a file system that rEFInd can read.

Installation with refind-install script

The rEFInd package includes the refind-install script to simplify the process of setting rEFInd as your default EFI boot entry. The script has several options for handling differing setups and UEFI implementations. See refind-install(8) or read the comments in the install script for explanations of the various installation options.

For many systems it should be sufficient to simply run:

This will attempt to find and mount your ESP, copy rEFInd files to esp/EFI/refind/, and use efibootmgr to make rEFInd the default EFI boot application.

Alternatively you can install rEFInd to the default/fallback boot path esp/EFI/BOOT/bootx64.efi. This is helpful for bootable USB flash drives or on systems that have issues with the NVRAM changes made by efibootmgr:

Where /dev/sdXY is your EFI system partition (the block device, not its mountpoint).

Tip: By default refind-install installs only the driver for the file system on which kernel resides. Additional file systems need to be installed manually by copying them from /usr/share/refind/drivers_x64/ to esp/EFI/refind/drivers_x64/, or you can install all drivers with the --alldrivers option. This is useful for bootable USB flash drives.

After installing rEFInd's files to the ESP, verify that rEFInd has created refind_linux.conf containing kernel parameters in the same directory as your kernel. Then this will not be created if you used the --usedefault option, run mkrlconf as root to create it.

Warning: When refind-install is run in chroot (e.g. in live system when installing Arch Linux) /boot/refind_linux.conf is populated with kernel options from the live system not the one on which it is installed. Edit /boot/refind_linux.conf and make sure the kernel parameters in it are correct for your system, otherwise you could get a kernel panic on your next boot. See #refind_linux.conf for an example file.

By default, rEFInd will scan all of your drives (that it has drivers for) and add a boot entry for each EFI bootloader it finds, which should include your kernel (since Arch enables EFISTUB by default). So you may have a bootable system at this point.

Secure Boot

See Managing Secure Boot for Secure Boot support in rEFInd.

Using PreLoader

See Secure Boot#Set up PreLoader to acquire signed PreLoader.efi and HashTool.efi binaries.

Execute refind-install with the option --preloader /path/to/preloader

Next time you boot with Secure Boot enabled, HashTool will launch and you will need to enroll the hash of rEFInd (loader.efi), rEFInd's drivers (e.g. ext4_x64.efi) and kernel (e.g. vmlinuz-linux).

See refind-install(8) for more information.

Tip: The signed HashTool is only capable of accessing the partition it was launched from. This means if your kernel is not on the ESP, you will not be able to enroll its hash from HashTool. You can workaround this by using #KeyTool, since it is capable of enrolling a hash in MokList and is not limited to one partition. Remember to enroll KeyTool's hash before using it.
Using shim

Installshim-signedAUR. Read Secure Boot#shim, but skip all file copying.

Using hashes

To use only hashes with shim, execute refind-install with the option --shim /path/to/shim

Next time you boot with Secure Boot enabled, MokManager will launch and you will need to enroll the hash of rEFInd (grubx64.efi), rEFInd's drivers (e.g. ext4_x64.efi) and kernel (e.g. vmlinuz-linux).

Using Machine Owner Key

To sign rEFInd with a Machine Owner Key (MOK), install sbsigntools.

Tip: If you already have created a MOK, place the files in the directory /etc/refind.d/keys with the names refind_local.key (PEM format private key), refind_local.crt (PEM format certificate) and refind_local.cer (DER format certificate).

Execute refind-install with the options --shim /path/to/shim and --localkeys:

refind-install will create the keys for you and sign itself and its drivers. You will need to sign the kernel with the same key, e.g.:

Tip: The kernel signing can be automated with a pacman hook, see Secure Boot#Signing the kernel with a pacman hook.

Once in MokManager add refind_local.cer to MoKList. refind_local.cer can be found inside a directory called keys in the rEFInd's installation directory, e.g. esp/EFI/refind/keys/refind_local.cer.

See refind-install(8) for more information.

Using your own keys

Follow Secure Boot#Using your own keys to create keys.

Create directory /etc/refind.d/keys and place Signature Database (db) key and certificates in it. Name the files: refind_local.key (PEM format private key), refind_local.crt (PEM format certificate) and refind_local.cer (DER format certificate).

When running install script add option --localkeys, e.g.:

rEFInd EFI binaries will be signed with the supplied key and certificate.

Manual installation

Tip: rEFInd can boot Linux in many ways. See The rEFInd Boot Manager: Methods of Booting Linux for coverage of the various approaches.

If the refind-install script does not work for you, rEFInd can be set up manually.

First, copy the executable to the ESP:

If you want to install rEFInd to the default/fallback boot path replace esp/EFI/refind/ with esp/EFI/BOOT/ in the following instructions and copy rEFInd EFI executable to esp/EFI/BOOT/bootx64.efi:

Then use efibootmgr to create a boot entry in the UEFI NVRAM, where /dev/sdX and Y are the device and partition number of your EFI system partition. If you are installing rEFInd to the default/fallback boot path esp/EFI/BOOT/bootx64.efi, you can skip this step.

At this point, you should be able to reboot into rEFInd, but it will not be able to boot your kernel. If your kernel does not reside on your ESP, rEFInd can mount your partitions to find it - provided it has the right drivers.

rEFInd automatically loads all drivers from the subdirectories drivers and drivers_arch (e.g. drivers_x64) in its install directory.

Now rEFInd should have a boot entry for your kernel, but it will not pass the correct kernel parameters. Set up #Passing kernel parameters. You should now be able to boot your kernel using rEFInd. If you are still unable to boot or if you want to tweak rEFInd's settings, many options can be changed with a configuration file:

The sample configuration file is well commented and self-explanatory.

Unless you have set textonly in the configuration file, you should copy rEFInd's icons to get rid of the ugly placeholders:

You can try out different fonts by copying them and changing the font setting in refind.conf:

Tip: Pressing F10 in rEFInd will save a screenshot to the top level directory of the ESP.


Pacman updates the rEFInd files in /usr/share/refind/ and will not copy new files to the ESP for you. If refind-install worked for your original installation of rEFInd, you can rerun it to copy the updated files. The new configuration file will be copied as refind.conf-sample so that you can integrate changes into your existing configuration file using a diff tool. If your rEFInd required #Manual installation, you will need to figure out which files to copy yourself.

Pacman hook

You can automate the update process using a pacman hook:

Where the Exec= may need to be changed to the correct update command for your setup. If you did #Manual installation, you could create your own update script to call with the hook.

Tip: If you setup rEFInd with #Secure Boot, in addition to adding --localkeys, you may also want to add the option --yes to the refind-install command. It will prevent the command from failing if it gets executed when Secure Boot is disabled. See refind-install(8) for more information.
Note: If the ESP is not mounted to /boot and you rely on automounting to mount it, make sure to preload the vfat module as instructed in EFI system partition#Alternative mount points. Otherwise, if refind is upgraded together with the kernel, the ESP will become inaccessible.


The rEFInd configuration refind.conf is located in the same directory as the rEFInd EFI application (usually esp/EFI/refind or esp/EFI/BOOT). The default configuration file contains extensive comments explaining all its options, see Configuring the Boot Manager for more detailed explanations.

Passing kernel parameters

There are two methods for setting the kernel parameters that rEFInd will pass to the kernel.

For kernels automatically detected by rEFInd

For automatically detected kernels you can either specify the kernel parameters explicitly in /boot/refind_linux.conf Comprehensive meta analysis keygen torrent. or rely on rEFInd's ability to identify the root partition and kernel parameters. See Methods of Booting Linux: For Those With Foresight or Luck: The Easiest Method for more information.

  • rEFInd will automatically choose the Arch Linux icon (os_arch.png) for the boot entry when /etc/os-release is on the same partition as the kernel. If your /boot is a separate partition see Configuring the Boot Manager: Setting OS Icons.
  • rEFInd does not support detecting the distribution of unified kernel images. To have a icon for a unified kernel image, copy /usr/share/refind/icons/os_arch.png to esp/EFI/Linux/ and make sure the file names match. E.g., if you have esp/EFI/Linux/Arch-linux.efi, then name the icon—esp/EFI/Linux/Arch-linux.png.

For rEFInd to support the naming scheme of Arch Linux kernels and thus allow matching them with their respective initramfs images, you must uncomment and edit extra_kernel_version_strings option in refind.conf. E.g.:

  • rEFInd only supports detecting one initramfs image per kernel, meaning it will not detect fallback initramfs nor microcode images. They must be specified manually.
  • Without the above extra_kernel_version_strings line, the %v variable in refind_linux.conf will not work for Arch Linux kernels.

If rEFInd automatically detects your kernel, you can place a refind_linux.conf file containing the kernel parameters in the same directory as your kernel. You can use /usr/share/refind/refind_linux.conf-sample as a starting point. The first uncommented line of refind_linux.conf will be the default parameters for the kernel. Subsequent lines will create entries in a submenu accessible using +, F2, or Insert.

Alternatively, try running mkrlconf as root. It will attempt to find your kernel in /boot and automatically generate refind_linux.conf. The script will only set up the most basic kernel parameters, so be sure to check the file it created for correctness.

If you do not specify an initrd= parameter, rEFInd will automatically add it by searching for common RAM disk filenames in the same directory as the kernel. If you need multiple initrd= parameters, you must specify them manually in refind_linux.conf. For example, a microcode passed before the initramfs:

  • initrd path is relative to the root of the file system on which the kernel resides. This could be initrd=bootinitramfs-%v.img or, if /boot is a separate partition (e.g. the ESP), initrd=initramfs-%v.img.
  • Use backslashes () as path separators in the initrd parameter, otherwise the kernel may fail to find the initramfs image(s): EFI stub: ERROR: Failed to open file: /boot/intel-ucode.img.
  • If using Booster generated initramfs images, replace initramfs with booster in the initramfs files name. E.g. initrd=bootbooster-%v.img.
Note: rEFInd replaces %v in refind_linux.conf with the kernel's version (by extracting if from the file name). For rEFInd to support Arch Linux kernels, the extra_kernel_version_strings in esp/EFI/refind/refind.conf must be edited as instructed in #For kernels automatically detected by rEFInd.
Without configuration

If you merely install rEFInd onto the ESP and launch it without any further ado (say via UEFI shell or KeyTool, or directly from firmware) you still get a menu to boot from via autodetection, with no configuration required whatsoever.

This works because rEFInd has a fallback mechanism that can:

  • Identify the root partition (for root= parameter ) via the Discoverable Partitions Specification or /etc/fstab.
  • Detect kernel options (ro or rw) from GPT partition attributes (using attribute 60 'read-only') or /etc/fstab.
Note: rEFInd does not support escape codes (e.g. for spaces) in /etc/fstab.

Manual boot stanzas

If your kernel is not autodetected, or if you simply want more control over the options for a menu entry, you can manually create boot entries using stanzas in refind.conf. Ensure that scanfor includes manual or these entries will not appear in rEFInd's menu. Kernel parameters are set with the options keyword. rEFInd will append the initrd= parameter using the file specified by the initrd keyword in the stanza. If you need additional initrds (e.g. for Microcode), you can specify them in options (and the one specified by the initrd keyword will be added to the end).

Manual boot stanzas are explained in Creating Manual Boot Stanzas.

It is likely that you will need to change volume to match either a filesystem's LABEL, a PARTLABEL, or a PARTUUID of the partition where the kernel image resides. The PARTUUID needs to be in uppercase. See Persistent block device naming#by-label for examples of assigning a volume label. If volume is not specified it defaults to volume from which rEFInd was launched (typically EFI system partition).

  • loader and initrd paths are relative to the root of volume. If /boot is a separate partition (e.g. the ESP), the loader and initrd paths would be /vmlinuz-linux and /initramfs-linux.img, respectively.
  • Use backslashes () as path separators in all quoted initrd parameters, otherwise the kernel may fail to find the initramfs image(s): EFI stub: ERROR: Failed to open file: /boot/initramfs-linux.img.
  • If using Booster generated initramfs images, replace initramfs with booster in the initramfs files name. E.g. initrd /boot/booster-linux.img.

Installation alongside an existing UEFI Windows installation

Note: The usual caveats of Dual boot with Windows apply.

rEFInd is compatible with the EFI system partition created by a UEFI Windows installation, so there is no need to create or format another FAT32 partition when installing Arch alongside Windows. Simply mount the existing ESP and install rEFInd as usual. By default, rEFInd's autodetection feature should recognize any existing Windows/recovery bootloaders.

Note: In some cases, Windows behaves differently (low resolution boot screen, OEM logo replaced by Windows logo, black screen after boot screen, artifacting). If you face such issues, try setting use_graphics_for +,windows in esp/EFI/refind/refind.conf or adding graphics on to the Windows boot stanza.


This article or section is a candidate for moving to Unified Extensible Firmware Interface.

Notes: Although rEFInd has a special interface for these common tools, they are not a feature of rEFInd. (Discuss in Talk:REFInd#template:move at refind#tools: to uefi)

rEFInd supports running various 3rd-party tools. Tools need to be installed separately. Edit showtools in refind.conf to choose which ones to show.

UEFI shell

See Unified Extensible Firmware Interface#UEFI Shell.

Copy shellx64.efi to the root of the EFI system partition.


Install memtest86-efiAUR and copy it to esp/EFI/tools/.

Key management tools

rEFInd can detect Secure Boot key management tools if they are placed in rEFInd's directory on ESP, esp/ or esp/EFI/tools/.


Follow #Using PreLoader and HashTool.efi will be placed in rEFInd's directory.


Follow #Using shim and MokManager will be placed in rEFInd's directory.


Install efitools.

Place KeyTool EFI binary in esp/ or esp/EFI/tools/ with the name KeyTool.efi or KeyTool-signed.efi.

See Secure Boot#Using KeyTool for instructions on signing KeyTool.efi.

GPT fdisk (gdisk)

Download the gdisk EFI application and copy gdisk_x64.efi to esp/EFI/tools/.


Install and setup fwupd.

Copy the fwupx64.efi binary and firmware file to esp/EFI/tools/:

Poweroff or reboot

rEFInd reportedly have poweroff and reboot menu entries built in. Since this list of tools is the most extensive of its kind in this wiki, users of UEFI shell, or other UEFI boot managers, such as systemd-boot, might be interested in powerofforreboot.efiAUR.

Tips and tricks

Using drivers in UEFI shell

This article or section is a candidate for moving to Unified Extensible Firmware Interface#UEFI drivers. Skyrim warhammer 40k mod.

Notes: rEFInd's drivers are not the only ones that can be loaded. Move all generic information about UEFI drivers to one article. (Discuss in Talk:REFInd)

To use rEFInd's drivers in UEFI shell load them using command load and refresh mapped drives with map -r.

Now you can access your file system from UEFI shell.

Setting efifb resolution

This article or section needs expansion.

Reason: It should be possible to simply rely on resolution max. (Discuss in Talk:REFInd)

If the resolution in refind.conf is set to an incorrect value, on all systems except Apple Macs rEFInd will display a list of supported resolutions. For Apple Macs it will silently use the default resolution.

To determine framebuffer resolutions supported by efifb, copy /usr/share/gnu-efi/apps/x86_64/modelist.efi from gnu-efi to the root of ESP. Enter the UEFI shell and run modelist.efi.

Set one in refind.conf. Reboot and check if settings has been applied by running dmesg | grep efifb as root.

Btrfs subvolume support

Tip: make sure btrfs_x64.efi driver is installed, it can be installed manually by copying from /usr/share/refind/drivers_x64/btrfs_x64.efi to esp/EFI/refind/drivers_x64/btrfs_x64.efi, or you can install all drivers with the refind-install /dev/sdx --alldrivers option.

Auto detection

To allow kernel auto detection on a Btrfs subvolume uncomment and edit also_scan_dirs in refind.conf.

Next add subvol=subvolume to rootflags in refind_linux.conf and then prepend subvolume to the initrd path.

Manual boot stanza

If booting a btrfs subvolume as root, prepend the path to the subvolume to the loader and initrd paths, and amend the options line with rootflags=subvol=root_subvolume. In the example below, root has been mounted as a btrfs subvolume called 'ROOT' (e.g. mount -o subvol=ROOT /dev/sdxY /mnt):

A failure to do so will otherwise result in the following error message: ERROR: Root device mounted successfully, but /sbin/init does not exist.


Since version 0.13.1, rEFInd supports setting the UEFI variable LoaderDevicePartUUID. Enabling this allows systemd-gpt-auto-generator(8) to automount the EFI system partition without needing to specify it in /etc/fstab. See systemd#GPT partition automounting.

For rEFInd to set LoaderDevicePartUUID, edit refind.conf and uncomment write_systemd_vars true:

You can verify if it is set by checking its value with cat /sys/firmware/efi/efivars/LoaderDevicePartUUID-4a67b082-0a4c-41cf-b6c7-440b29bb8c4f or by looking at the state of 'Boot loader sets ESP information' in bootclt output.

The Refind Binary File Is Missing Aborting Installation Directory Windows 10


Apple Macs

The Refind Binary File Is Missing Aborting Installation Directory Using

mactel-bootAUR is an experimental bless utility for Linux. If that does not work, use bless from within OSX to set rEFInd as the default boot entry:


VirtualBox before version 6.1 will only boot the default esp/EFI/BOOT/bootx64.efi path, so refind-install needs to be used with at least the --usedefault option. See VirtualBox/Install Arch Linux as a guest#Installation in EFI mode on VirtualBox < 6.1 for more information.

Blank rEFInd menu screen

If your refind/drivers_x64 folder contains multiple file system drivers (see #Installing the rEFInd Boot Manager for clarification), this can lead to an improper functioning of rEFInd through a file system driver bug, whereby only a blank screen and with the rEFInd logo is shown (for custom themes, this would be the set background image). To fix this, simply remove all drivers except the one for the file system on which the kernel resides.

See also

  • The rEFInd Boot Manager by Roderick W. Smith.
  • /usr/share/refind/docs/README.txt
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